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09 Nov 2017

6 Natural Tips to Try Combat Depression

It’s estimated 1 in 7 people worldwide will suffer symptoms of depression at one point or another, and it is the number one reason for disability in 1st and 2nd world countries.  There is not enough support for this debilitating mood disorder and treatment involves various mood stabilising drugs, many of which have awful side effects. While anti-depressant medications have been proven to work, they do not address the cause and stopping the medication may cause symptoms to come back with a vengeance.

Here are 6 cost-effective and natural tips to help you combat depression.

Improve your sleep
A chronic lack of sleep has been shown to contribute to depression and irritability. A proper night’s sleep is important for so many reasons but due to its effect on mood it’s especially important for those who struggle with depression. Make sure you go to bed at a regular time, avoid screens before bed, keep your bedroom cool and try to get 8 hours of sleep per night.

Exercise to boost your mood
Exercise is an excellent antidote for depression as it releases brain endorphins which act like natural anti-depressants and mood boosters. Studies have shown that just 15 minutes of daily exercise is enough to reduce symptoms of depression and lower the body’s production of stress hormones.

Eat to enhance your brain chemicals
Most of the common anti-depressant medications work by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin by receptors of the brain which increases serotonin levels. It is possible to increase healthy brain chemical levels by eating certain foods. Foods high in carbohydrates trigger a release of serotonin in the brain, but make sure they are complex whole food carbohydrates like sweet potato and brown rice as processed carbohydrates can have the opposite effect over time. Eating a diet high in quality protein provides the body with amino acids like tryptophan which act as precursors to brain chemicals. The brain is a fatty organ so make sure to eat food high in healthy fats like oily fish, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados.

Check your Vitamin D levels
Vitamin D has a variety of important functions in the body and one is its impact on healthy brain function and mood. Many studies have found that improved blood levels of vitamin D are extremely helpful in the management of depression. People who live in cold climates often suffer from seasonal depression which is believed to be linked to the lack of sunlight and resulting low vitamin D levels. Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D levels regularly and take a vitamin D supplement or spend more time in the sun.

Consider factors which may be contributing to your depression
Certain cases of depression may be circumstantial due to things happening in your life. Spend some time thinking about any circumstances that may be influencing your mood, such as a job or relationship that is making you unhappy. You may be financially stressed, your health may be bad or you could be feeling creatively unfulfilled. A councillor may be able to help you to be honest with yourself about what is making you unhappy and help you take the next step to getting back on track.

Form community
People who are depressed are likely to isolate themselves from their friends, family and the outside world; however this isolation can feed depression. It may be very difficult, but making time to go out and connect with like-minded people can have a positive effect on mood and gets easier over time.

It may take some time to see an improvement in your depression when using natural solutions but don’t give up as it takes time for your brain chemicals to balance. Please note that you should not stop any medication without the supervision of your health care provider.
