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31 Aug 2017

All About Matcha

Matcha is a finely milled green tea powder that is a new favourite drink among health and wellness enthusiasts because of its flavour, many health benefits and aesthetically pleasing colour. However many people don’t realise that Matcha tea has been consumed for centuries in the East.

Matcha originated in China in the 10th century when green tea was stone-ground into a powder and dried into bricks to preserve its shelf-life and make it easy to use and transport. Small pieces of the powder where broken off and then whisked into hot water to make Matcha tea. In the 11th century a Japanese monk brought Matcha tea to Japan where the traditional chanoyu ceremony originated.

Matcha provides more antioxidants than any other food and is rated the highest on the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) scale. A study showed that it has 137 times more polyphenols than regular green tea. Regular green tea is healthy and contains antioxidants and other nutrients, but the hot water can only extract a small amount of the nutrients from the tea bag. Matcha involves consuming the entire leaf which means the levels of antioxidants and nutrients are much higher.

When growing green tea to make Matcha the leaves are shaded from sunlight 20 days prior to harvest to boost the chlorophyll levels which gives Matcha that vibrant green colour. One of the desirable health benefits of Matcha is linked to its high levels of chlorophyll which helps the body to detoxify heavy metals and other harmful toxins

Some of the mental and physical health benefits of drinking Matcha are:


Matcha contains the amino acid L-Theanine which encourages the formation of alpha brain waves to produce a state of relaxation without drowsiness.

Improves Memory, Mood and Concentration

In addition to its calming effect, the L-Theanine in Matcha assists with the production of the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine. These brain chemicals improve and enhance mood, memory and concentration.

Increases Energy and Endurance

Matcha contains a unique combination of nutrients which gives the body increased endurance and energy. The caffeine in Matcha is absorbed by the body and released slowly over 6-8 hours which provides a sustainable energy boost and does not result in the “caffeine jitters” that are associated with coffee. 

Boosts Immunity

Matcha contains anti-inflammatory properties as well as immune-boosting nutrients like Vitamin A and C and protein. It is one of the best sources of catechins (EGCGs) which are phytochemicals that have been shown to have powerful antimicrobial and cancer-fighting properties. 

Matcha tea can be consumed warm and cold, with water, milk or your choice of milk substitute. It can also be added to smoothies, cocktails, dusted onto your salads and soups, or used in baking.

