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11 Apr 2018

Benefits of Manuka Honey

Honey has been used for its health-giving and medicinal properties for thousands of years.  It is one of nature’s strongest antimicrobials and boasts powerful immune-boosting properties. It is also a good source of amino acids, B vitamins, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Manuka honey is one of the most beneficial forms of honey in the world and has unique health benefits. It is produced in New Zealand and is a mono-floral honey because the bees only gather pollen from the Manuka bush indigenous to New Zealand.
Manuka honey has higher level of enzymes compared to regular honey, which then creates a natural hydrogen peroxide that is a strong antimicrobial agent.

Here are 4 powerful benefits of consuming Manuka honey:

It treats SIBO, Low Stomach Acid and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux has been linked to low stomach acid and an overgrowth of small intestine bacterial (known as SIBO). Manuka honey can combat acid reflux by reducing SIBO and balancing the intestinal bacteria due to its natural antibiotic qualities.

It Can Heal Acne, Eczema, Burns and Wounds

Manuka honey, in addition to its antimicrobial properties, is also rich in antioxidants and is a strong anti-inflammatory. It can be used to promote healing and prevent infection of burns and wounds.

Reduces IBS and IBD

Studies have shown that people suffering from inflammatory bowel disorders like IBS and colitis, and who take Manuka honey, have a significant reduction in colonic inflammation, intestinal inflammation and pain.

Improves Sore Throats    

Manuka honey is a wonderful immune booster as it stimulates immune cells. Studies have also shown that it can stop the growth of Strep bacteria, thus reducing sore throats.

Taking Manuka honey every day is easy because it’s delicious and sweet and can be added to tea, yogurt, cereal, sauces, smoothies or eaten straight from the spoon. The best benefits are seen when one to two tablespoons of Manuka honey are consumed daily.
