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30 Apr 2018

Getting children to sleep with a bedtime routine

Getting children to sleep early gives hard-working parents a few hours of peace each night to relax and recharge.  Unfortunately, children love to battle against sleep and often become excitable and hyperactive at bedtime.

Creating a calming bedtime routine can make it easier to get kids to sleep and give you some peace in the evenings.   Keep your children away from the TV, computer and smartphone for 2 hours before bed, as the blue light emitted from these devices can suppress the sleep hormone melatonin. Try dimming the lights in the house as you go through their bedtime routine. Lamps with gentle lighting like Himalayan salt lamps can create a peaceful and calming atmosphere at night time.  

Start the bedtime routine off with a relaxing bath using natural bath salts, bubble bath or calming essential oils like chamomile and lavender. When they get out the bath and have their PJs on you can help your little one (depending on their age) prepare a snack that’s not too messy and will keep their blood sugar stable through the night. Apple slices with some nut butter, a handful of nuts or drinking yogurt are good options.

Once they are settled in bed try to do some calming activities like reading a story or talking through the events of the day. If they are still over-excited or battling with a busy mind you can rub some natural and soothing bedtime balm on their temples, neck and feet. Using magnesium oil on the soles of their feet is also helpful for relieving restlessness and promoting sleep.

Playing some soft melodic music in the background as you get your child ready for bed can be soothing and comforting. Some parents swear by sound machines that play white noise like the sound of rain or waves which can soothe your child to sleep and encourage them to stay asleep.
