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27 May 2016

Health Benefits of Organic Coffee

There is something about coffee that makes it unique and comforting; most people can’t start their day unless they have a freshly brewed cup. It is the most popular beverage in the world and coffee drinkers range from those who have one cup occasionally, one cup a day, or more commonly several cups a day.

There are many articles online encouraging people to go on a coffee “detox”, however a simple search turns up numerous recent studies on the health benefits of coffee. Most of these studies are observational and not placebo-controlled; however the benefits are worth exploring and may come as a pleasant surprise to the coffee-lovers amongst us.

Coffee provides nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and manganese. If you consider that most people are drinking multiple cups of coffee these nutrients add up and provide ample amounts of essential nutrients.

One of the better known health benefits of coffee is that it is high in antioxidants, both from caffeine and other compounds called polyphenols. Coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants in the world, even when compared to fruit and vegetables.

Antioxidants help to protect us from oxidative damage that leads to inflammation and disease. Since we know that inflammation is behind almost all chronic diseases, coffee may help us to prevent these kinds of conditions.

Coffee has a strong association with a decrease in a cancers of the prostate, breast cancer and liver. Several studies have linked frequent coffee consumption to lower risk of liver diseases like cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It has also been linked to reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed crops so it is especially important that you buy organic coffee if you wish to reap the health benefits without the added toxic burden. If you are sensitive to caffeine and prefer to drink decaf-coffee you can still benefit from coffee’s antioxidant content. However, the decaffeination process can be very toxic as it is normally processed with the help of several carcinogenic chemicals. When purchasing decaffeinated coffee be sure to choose organic, decaffeinated by water-processing.

Drinking coffee with the addition of refined sugar, low-fat milk and additive-laden coffee creamer is not going to be as beneficial as drinking it plain, or with some full-fat, grass-fed butter, cream or milk. While coffee has some significant health benefits, it can be over stimulating.

If you are struggling with insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal burnout or are just run down then it may be a good idea to avoid coffee for 6 weeks. You can try bringing it back into your diet after this and see if you notice any effects. 

Find a selection of wholesalers and coffee suppliers who provide organic, fair-trade coffee, rainforest alliance coffee, Arabica coffee and Australian grown coffee here


Find a selection of wholesalers and coffee suppliers who provide organic, fair-trade coffee, rainforest alliance coffee, Arabica coffee, Australian grown coffee, Organo Gold coffee, caffeine-free herbal coffee, Rhino coffee, coffee beans, bean roasters and coffee machines. - See more at:
Find a selection of wholesalers and coffee suppliers who provide organic, fair-trade coffee, rainforest alliance coffee, Arabica coffee, Australian grown coffee, Organo Gold coffee, caffeine-free herbal coffee, Rhino coffee, coffee beans, bean roasters and coffee machines. - See more at:
