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27 Sep 2017

How to use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a by-product of wood, peat, coconut shells or nutshells that have been slowly burnt at extremely high temperatures and then treated with oxygen. This process results in a structure with a highly porous and large surface area that has a negative electric charge. This allows it to bind to toxins and odours in the body or the environment through a chemical process known as adsorption.

Activated charcoal use dates back to 1,500 B.C. where Egyptian records show it being used to absorb unpleasant odours from wounds. These days activated charcoal is commonly found in medicine cabinets because of its ability to improve wellbeing.

Here are 6 uses for activated charcoal.

Poison antidote

Activated charcoal is most well known for being able to trap chemicals and toxins from the digestive system and bloodstream via adsorption so these compounds can no longer harm the body. If an adult or a child has accidentally ingested some dangerous chemicals or overdosed on prescription and over-the-counter medications or if someone has food poisoning then activated charcoal is useful. It acts in the stomach and both intestines and can adsorb about 60% of the poisonous substances.

Skin Cleanser

Activated charcoal makes a great skin cleanser and face mask which purifies the skin by attracting and trapping bacteria, dirt, make-up, oil and other impurities. It works best when allowed to sit on the skin for some time so you can make an activated charcoal paste with water and apply it to your face for about 20 minutes.

Insect bite treatment

Activated Charcoal can help to relieve any pain, itching and discomfort from insect bites by absorbing bacteria and allergens and generally soothing the skin. Create a salve to rub onto the area by mixing 1/2 a teaspoon of activated charcoal with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

Water filter

Activated charcoal is a common component in home and industrial water filter systems because it traps pesticides, solvents, waste, heavy metals, chlorine, chemicals and impurities. You can also buy activated charcoal sticks to naturally purify your own water.

Tooth cleaner and whitener

You can use activated charcoal as a tooth cleaner and whitener as it is mildly abrasive, balances the PH levels in the mouth, and binds to bacteria and stain particles. This all helps to prevent tooth decay, bad breath and gum disease and whiten teeth.  However, be careful not to use it too often or vigorously as it can damage tooth enamel over time.

Air purifier

Activated charcoal sticks or sponges are effective air purifiers that can remove allergens and unpleasant odours from your home. By placing or hanging activated charcoal in your home its negative ionic charge attracts and binds to positive ions, such as dust, microfibers, chemicals and impurities thus removing them from the air.

You can purchase activated charcoal from most pharmacies or health shops in powder or capsule form to be taken orally. Try to buy organic activated charcoal when possible because it is purer and more absorbent.

Activated charcoal is absorbent and can cause dehydration if you don’t consume adequate water when using it, so try to drink 10 glasses of water a day. It is also important to note that activated charcoal can interfere with the absorption of nutrients, supplements and medication so it should be taken about 2 hours before or after eating or taking supplements and medication.

