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26 Oct 2017

Tips to Stay Water Wise

While most of the planet is covered by water, only a small percentage of the earth’s water can actually be consumed by humans.  Having access to plenty of fresh, clean water is a privilege that many people do not have, and due to water wastage, climate change and droughts future generations might not either.

Taking simple steps to reduce your daily water usage at home and work may go a long way to make sure that future generations have access to clean water. Using water saving tips will also help you to save money on your monthly water and electricity bill.
Here are simple and effective ways to help you be water wise.

Stop wasting

Use simple common sense water saving techniques like avoiding baths, setting a timer so you take shorter showers, installing a water-efficient showerhead and turning off the tap when brushing your teeth. This can go a long way to reduce your water usage and save you money on your water bill.

Reuse your grey water

Grey water is wastewater that hasn’t been in contact with human waste. Reusing grey water takes some planning to collect but it is well worth it for the amount of water that can be saved. Some simple ways to collect grey water include putting a plug in the sink when washing vegetables and dishes and putting a bucket in the shower. Grey water can be used to water the garden, wash cars and flush toilets.

Install a rainwater tank

When it rains many of us are thrilled that the garden is getting watered, but if we aren’t capturing the bulk of the rainwater it runs off and ends up in drains. Installing a rainwater tank in an outside space is a wonderful way to save clean water than can be used for drinking, cooking, and washing, watering the garden, washing the car and topping up the pool.

Invest in eco-friendly appliances

If you’re thinking of buying a new washing machine or dishwasher make sure to do your research and purchase products that have good water-efficiency and energy ratings. Front-loading washing machines tend to be the most water efficient and may even use up to 50% less than top-loaders. When using a washing machine or dishwasher you can save water by only using them when they are full, or changing the settings depending on the size of the load.

Make your garden water-wise

Having a garden can put a strain on your monthly water bill but you can make your garden water-wise by planting an indigenous garden with plants that have low water requirements. Water your garden with grey water and always water it early in the morning or in the evening to reduce water loss through evaporation.

Buy a pool cover

If you have an outdoor pool or Jacuzzi you should keep it covered when it’s not being used, especially in the summer. Pool covers stop the water from evaporating and thus reduce your need to frequently fill up the pool with precious clean water.

Fix leaks

A leaking tap or toilet can waste tens of thousands of litres of water per year and these leaks often go unnoticed. Keeping on top of maintenance in the home can save a lot of water and save you money in the long run too.
