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29 Nov 2016

Is using a Dishwasher More Eco Friendly

The debate about whether hand-washing dishes or using a dishwasher is more eco-friendly, is one of the longest standing debates.

However, The Bonn Study has finally proved that using a modern dishwasher is more eco-friendly as it uses less energy, less water and even less soap than hand washing.

This German study showed that dishwashers are more hygienic than washing by hand as 400 times more bacteria are left behind on dishes that have been hand-washed. This is because to kill germs effectively one needs water at a temperature of 60°C or higher which is an almost impossible temperature to reach when hand washing. It is also important to note that dishwashers also dry the dishes, which is more hygienic and less time consuming that having to dry them with a germ-ridden dish cloth.

European research has shown that households that use a dishwasher use roughly half as much water and a quarter less electricity than those households who wash by hand only. When washing by hand, most people tend to leave the hot water running and a lot of dishwashing detergent.

Dishwashers on the other hand only accept a small portion of detergent which means it uses a lot less. It also takes a lot longer to hand wash the same amount of dishes as a dishwasher.

If you own a dishwasher you can now stop feeling guilty for using it. However, make use of energy efficiency tips, e.g. scrape as much food off plates before putting them in the dishwasher, avoid pre-rinse cycles, only turn it on when fully loaded, use the most economical setting and use it at night when the demand on the energy grid is.

If you want a dishwasher or can afford one, it’s a good idea to invest in the machine that will save you time and benefit the environment. In addition to cleaning everything in your kitchen, it’s also a safe and easy way to clean and properly disinfect children’s toys and pet’s toys.  

Many conventional dishwashing detergents contain chemicals that are harmful to nature, like phosphates and petrochemical which can harm plants and animal life when it gets into the water ways. Try to choose a natural detergent that contains biodegradable, plant-based ingredients that will break down without harming the environment.
