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05 Apr 2016

6 Great Immune Boosting Tips


Autumn has hit the southern hemisphere and with that comes dropping temperatures and an increase in infection-causing germs and bugs.

If you follow these 6 immune-boosting lifestyle tips you will avoid infections and feel healthier this cold and flu-season.

1. Lack of sleep results in low immune function which makes us more susceptible to colds and flu. Try to get at least 8 hours of solid sleep per night by turning off all electronic devices by 10pm, keeping your room temperature cool and making sure the room you sleep in is very dark.

2.  Stress is known to impair immunity so it is important for your health to prioritise rest and relaxation time into your week. Try deep breathing techniques and meditation to reduce your stress levels.

3.  Eating refined sugar impairs the immune system by disabling phagocytes (germ eating white blood cells) for several hours. Avoid processed sugars, sweets, chocolate and baked goods during flu season and especially if you have been exposed to someone with an infection recently.

4.  Studies have shown that low vitamin D levels suppress immunity and increase our risk of developing chronic health conditions and autoimmune diseases. The best way to ensure we have healthy vitamin D levels is by having 10-15 minutes of full body sun exposure per day during the summer and a few hours per week in the winter. It is important to be safe and wear sunscreen if you are in the sun for longer than this. You can also get vitamin D by eating foods like egg and oily fish.

5.  A huge part of our immune response is contained in our digestive tract in the form of healthy bacteria like lactobacillus and others. This huge bacterial colony is the first line of defence in our immune system and needs to be maintained to ensure that we fight off infections efficiently. Unfortunately, they can be killed off by stress, pollution, certain medications, poor diet and high sugar intake. Align your lifestyle so ensure their survival and take a probiotic supplement for extra immune support.

6.  There are two nutrients that are essential to a healthy immune system and work together to fight off infections, and these are vitamin C and zinc. You can consume more vitamin C by eating citrus, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries and other fresh fruits and vegetables, or you can take 2-3g of vitamin C if you are fighting off an infection. Zinc can be found in chicken, beef, lamb, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans and nuts. Taking a 25-30mg zinc supplement per day can be helpful during cold and flu season.
